Chance tomorrow night to catch some live painting in Umeda (at bar Uni-pon-pon-kau-kau) at what looks like a cool exhibition of Bosshiko Mori and his illustration collective Kiske3 (kiskay three).
Bearded Boss-hiko is somewhat of a veteran, having spent 12 years in the television industry as an illustrator before going solo with his brand of fantasy/teen pop graphics. Catching him in the act as he live paints sounds too good to be missed.
Bosshiko Mori Exhibition
Venue: u:ni:pon2kau2 art project space
Schedule: From 2007-05-14 To 2007-05-20
Address: 13-5 Doyama-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0027
Phone: 06-6313-2644 Fax: 06-6313-2644